LSAT Resources
Advice and tips to get your best score LSAT!

What Is a Good Score on the LSAT?
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How Many Practice Tests Before the LSAT?
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How to Study for the LSAT in One Month
Preparation is crucial for the LSAT because, unlike many other standardized tests, it assesses how you think rather than how well you recall facts or content knowledge. However, it is possible to study for the LSAT within four weeks and get the scores you need for law school with a committed schedule, a carefully organized study plan, and a lot...
Free LSAT Practice Questions
Below are 10 practice questions to help you study for the logic games portion of the LSAT exam.
LSAT Difficulty
Several factors, like content, question design, and time limits, contribute to the LSAT's difficulty level. The good news is that you can master the skills needed to score well on the LSAT if you're willing to put in the work.
LSAT Logic Game Tips
Questions on the Analytical Reasoning section of the LSAT exam take the form of four logic games that each present a scenario involving people, objects, or events. Students must use deductive reasoning to find solutions to solve the problem while adhering to certain facts and conditions. If you want to learn how to approach each of these prompts, give the right...
Analytical Reasoning: LSAT Logic Games
Many first-time and repeat test-takers tend to find the LSAT logic games on the Analytical Reasoning section of the exam challenging. In this guide, we'll go over the style and structure of each of the five LSAT logic game question types to give you a better understanding of what to expect on this portion of the exam.
LSAT-Flex Score Conversion
The LSAC has updated the LSAT several times over the past few years. During the COVID-19 pandemic, students tested remotely through the LSAT-Flex, but a new exam format has now replaced this test. With the new changes, the LSAC is re-evaluating its scoring methods.
Law School Requirements
Whether you dream of becoming a lawyer, attorney, or judicial clerk, your career path starts with meeting the minimum requirements for law school. The law school admissions process involves more than just taking a test and submitting an application. You'll need to acquire your college transcripts, earn acceptable exam scores, meet certain criteria, and complete various other tasks.
LSAT Percentiles
Scaled LSAT scores play a big role in the law school admissions process. However, your LSAT percentile rank, which shows how well you did on the exam compared to past test-takers, is an important factor too. Most law schools only accept applicants who fall into a certain percentile, so knowing your ranking is essential to getting into your chosen institution.
Studying for the LSAT
Preparing with practice tests and learning the skills you need for each exam section is the key to boosting your LSAT scores. Your test prep plan should fit your schedule, cover every part of the exam, and give you ample time to study and review.
What to Expect on the LSAT
Taking the Law School Admission Test is a critical step on the journey to attending law school and pursuing a successful career in the legal field. While you may have spent months studying and practicing for the LSAT, you might start feeling anxious, uncertain, and unprepared as your scheduled exam date approaches. In this post, we'll offer helpful tips on...
LSAT Scores
Whether you choose to take the traditional LSAT or the remote LSAT-Flex option, your completed exam will undergo a scoring and conversion process that results in your official LSAT score. Learn more about this process.
LSAT Analytical Reasoning Section
LSAT analytical reasoning questions evaluate your ability to draw logical conclusions based on a group of rules or facts. Many test-takers consider this section of the exam difficult due to its unique structure and complicated prompts. Luckily, we have some LSAT analytical reasoning strategies to help you perform well on this part of the test. Format Analytical Reasoning Logic Games...
LSAT Logical Reasoning Section
The LSAT's Logical Reasoning section tests your ability to present and analyze arguments. The questions typically ask students to determine missing assumptions, seek out flaws in logic, find statements that prove, strengthen, or weaken a claim, or choose an argument's conclusion based on context and evidence.
LSAT Reading Comprehension Section
Those who practice law must analyze dense argumentative and expository documents to understand the overarching themes and specific details within the text. Developing basic reading comprehension strategies is essential for law school students.
When to Take the LSAT
Taking the LSAT exam is a crucial step for those striving to meet the requirements for attending law school. When it's time to register for the LSAT, you'll want to select a testing date that gives you plenty of time to study and complete several practice exams, boosting your confidence and increasing your chances of hitting your target score.
LSAT Sections
The Law School Admission Test, or LSAT, assesses students' reading comprehension, information management and problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking skills with corresponding sections on the exam. The Law School Admission Council (LSAC) calls these LSAT test sections Reading Comprehension, Analytical Reasoning, and Logical Reasoning.
What Is the LSAT Test?
If you plan on going to law school, then taking the LSAT should be one of your top priorities. Wondering about what exactly the LSAT is used for? It's the entrance exam most law schools require for admission.