GRE Resources
Advice and tips to get your best score GRE!

When to Take the GRE
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What's a Good Score on the GRE?
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How Many Practice Tests Before the GRE?
Practice exams are essential to a comprehensive GRE study plan. However, how many practice tests you take depends on your studying needs and how much time you have to prepare for the final test. Knowing how many practice exams you should take and when to take them can help you make the most of your GRE study plan.
How to Study for the GRE in One Month
Taking the GRE before enrolling in grad school is an important step for many people's educational goals and career paths. A proper study plan can help you stay on track as you prepare for test day, even if you're short on time due to other priorities.
Free GRE Practice Questions
Below are 10 practice questions to help you study for the sentence completion and math portions of the GRE exam.
The GRE & Law School
While the LSAT is still the go-to test for those looking to enroll in a law school program, many institutions also look at GRE scores when considering potential candidates. To decide which of these entrance exams is right for you, you'll need to understand how the tests differ, learn what law schools accept the GRE, and determine what score you...
GRE Difficulty
Like other exams at the graduate level, the GRE presents plenty of unique challenges. While much of the test's difficulty is by design, several other factors can affect how well you do on the exam. Details like the test length and time limits, as well as your own study methods and test-taking style can all contribute to the GRE's difficulty.
Common GRE Vocabulary Words
All six sections of the GRE present general knowledge questions to evaluate each test-taker's academic potential. However, the complex language, terminology, and sentence structures on the exam can be difficult for some students to understand. Incorporating GRE vocabulary practice into your study schedule is essential for those who want to succeed.
GRE Psychology
One of six standardized GRE subject tests, the GRE Psychology exam is a requirement for certain graduate programs, and applicants must submit their results in addition to GRE General Test scores. The Educational Testing Service (ETS) offers the GRE Psychology Subject Test for psych majors and others pursuing a master's or doctorate in the field.
GRE Percentiles
Once you've taken the GRE, your score puts you in a percentile rank among all other students who have taken the exam. Grad school admissions officials evaluate this ranking and make decisions based on how your score compares. Knowing your GRE percentile is key to understanding GRE scoring and what it means for your grad school application.
GRE Registration
Deciding when to take the GRE depends on your preferred graduate program and other important factors. ETS offers the GRE year-round as a remote exam or at over 1,000 test centers worldwide. Before you register, create a study schedule for the GRE using effective test prep materials. Then, once you feel confident about all six GRE test sections, plan your...
GRE Scoring
Your official GRE test results include an overall score as well as three separate scores for the verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing sections of the exam. Combining the points for each portion of the test gives you your GRE total score, as well as determining your percentile ranking that shows how well you scored compared to other test...
How to Study for the GRE
While some students take the GRE after a few weekend cram sessions, this approach isn't the best way to earn good scores. To maximize your results, you'll need to create a weekly study schedule, choose your GRE test prep materials, set your study goals, and focus on success.
GRE Test Sections
The GRE covers writing, mathematical, and reading comprehension skills in six sections, but only five count toward your final score. The test always begins with Analytical Writing followed by either Verbal or Quantitative Reasoning. The GRE's order of sections is different for every test-taker, and there's no way to predict the sequence you'll see on test day.
Which Is Best for Business School? Both the GRE and GMAT allow aspiring business school students to make a good impression on their chosen institutions. While these two admissions exams share some similarities, each test differs in its structure, format, and length. Depending on your academic strengths, test-taking preferences, and career goals, it may behoove you to take one of...
What to Bring to the GRE
Taking the GRE is a pivotal step toward attending your graduate school of choice. As such, the Educational Testing Service, or ETS, places several restrictions on what test-takers can bring with them on test day. Knowing what to bring to the GRE beforehand minimizes distractions and helps you focus completely on doing your best. Documentation Proper documentation is the most...
GRE Quantitative Reasoning Section
The GRE General Test has a Quantitative Reasoning portion that assesses your mathematical skills. For this two-part section of the exam, students have to solve equations and answer 40 total math questions. The GRE Quantitative Reasoning time limit is 35 minutes per section, so you have 70 minutes to complete this part of the test.
GRE Analytical Writing Section
GRE Analytical Writing questions consist of two tasks: Analyzing an Issue and Analyzing an Argument. Each prompt presents a different side of the persuasion process with one asking you to deliver an argument of your own while the other involves taking an in-depth look at someone else's. Students have a total of 30 minutes to complete each part of the...
GRE Text Completion Questions
Like Reading Comprehension and Sentence Equivalence questions, Text Completion questions are part of the GRE Verbal Reasoning section, which tests your ability to decipher, interpret and summarize information as you read. It also measures your understanding of complex vocabulary words and gauges your ability to make inferences based on incomplete information.
GRE Sentence Equivalence Questions
Sentence Equivalence GRE questions are part of the Verbal Reasoning exam. Each section of this test has four or so GRE Sentence Equivalence questions, so you'll see about eight of these prompts on test day.